artists profile

As an integral part of my Architectural Degree, I was tutored in art by Lloyd Rees and Roland Wakelin, both giants in the Australian contemporary art scene.

I was schooled in the classical skills of observation and sketching from plaster casts and then, eventually landscapes and buildings.

The most cherished moments were the long talks over coffee and finger buns about the social responsibilities of artists and architects, principally as mirrors to society, reflecting the realities of existence on all its levels.

Rollin Schlicht, the Architect / Abstract Painter was my tutor for my thesis on Art Galleries as he was the designer of the Central Street Gallery at that time.

After my architectural training I undertook courses in Industrial Design, to understand the technology of design and photography with John Cato in Melbourne to learn how to “see”.

This was a time of medium exploration, namely print making, live model sketching, lino cuts and to a lesser degree painting.

It was a time when I travelled extensively over 15 years visiting over 55 countries and living overseas for a total period of 10 years, where photography became my prime method of expression.

During this time in Asia, I designed stage sets for three plays in Singapore for leading Australian and Singaporean directors, photographed Chinese Opera for an audio visual and photographic exhibition in the Chinese Gardens in Sydney.

Upon returning to Australia, I attended sculpture courses at Willoughby Workshops with Ian Shaw and exhibited.

During this period, I also had three solo painting exhibitions in Balmain, Glebe and Auckland NZ, together with two company painting contracts for office fit outs, one in Melbourne, the other in Sydney, both consisting of contracts for 14 paintings.

As a continuation of my search for mastery over a medium, oil painting beckoned.

I attended Charlie Shead’s oil painting class, which developed my understanding of the media in a historical and technical sense, learning the techniques of the masters.

Charlie also taught that your own artistic development was closely linked to personal honesty and your own development as a human being.

There can be no greater challenge.

robert creed

artist profile chronology

1965-69           Art classes with Lloyd Rees and Roland Wakeland as part of Architectural Degree Coarse

1969                Rollin Schlicht tutor on Art Gallery Design Thesis

1974                Photo Journalist Visnews London

1975                Photo Journalist Age Newspaper Melbourne

1980-81          Photographic Studies College, Melbourne

                Diploma of Photographic Studies and exhibitions

1981                Australian Print Workshops Melbourne

                Etching and print making workshops and exhibitions

1994                Chinese Opera Photographic and video exhibition

                Chinese Gardens Darling Harbour Sydney

1997                Willoughby Workshop

                Sculptural workshop and exhibition with Ian Shaw

2003                One man pastel exhibition of 38 paintings

                Art space Balmain Sydney

2005                Enginuity Pty Ltd Sydney

                Commission for 11 large pastel/gesso paintings for office interior

2006                Umow Lai Pty Ltd Melbourne

                 Commission for 10 oil paintings for office interior

2007-8 Charlie Shead oil painting classes

Charlie Shead Studio Redfern Sydney

2008                One man exhibition of 9 paintings in oil and pastels

Adagio Gallery, Glebe

2016                One man exhibition of 60 small vinyl paintings on canvas paper

                        Ponsonby Auckland New Zealand

2018                Photographic and vinyl paintings in mixed exhibitions

                        Creative Arts Corporation, Mogo Gallery