
An epiphany

I was watching a dragon fly

Hovering next to the Basel blossoms 

Wings so fast

It was a blur

Then it rested

Puffing like mad!

It was knackered!

How do they do it?

I’ve never seen a bird PUFF?

An Indian minor flew by

A flurry of rapid, grouped wing beats

Then the ballistic phase

Wings folded 

The fall

Dropping like a stone

Gravity kicking in 


I’m falling?? 

then a mad frenetic panic

of rapid flaps

then ballistic again

dropping again

all this energy going into this oscillation

bloody imported minors

they never learn! 

On the other hand

The arrogant Crow



Totally cool



into sailing


No panic fighting against gravity!

Not even a puff!

No bloody effort at all!

The pricks!

Then you think about

Body drag coefficient? 

How do these big buggers do it?


Slow, shallow, lazy flaps

Broad wing span

Sailing, gliding

Completely under control

And they get up there with the Hawks?

Dots in the sky stuff?

What training do these guys do?

No visible sign of a puff? 

I know they are careful about their diet

But really?

They all look over weight to me!

And while we are up there

The solitary Hawk

The master of the skies

Slow, languid wing beats


Sailing, gliding in the currents

Oblivious of gravity

Soring to great height 

I’ve never seen an overweight Hawk?

That may explain it?

Then breaking with the tail

A rapid, controlled flutter

Head bent

Total focus on the prey

The ballistic dive

In for the kill



Then I love

The super confident


The slow ascending wing beats

Did you guys get that attitude?

back to the supremacy of the skies

so very little direct killing

happens in the air did you notice?

It seems to be an earth bond activity


Being earth bound

must be feeling REALLY hemmed in

To be such an effective killing machine

we can’t just fly away

unassisted that is?


we are not up to it!

Perhaps that is why birds look so C00L

They know

they can just get up and go!


With no mechanical aids?

then there are the gulls

they certainly spend a lot of time walking around


are they just resting?

Or just chatty?

I don’t see any chests heaving?

always in a flock

a flock of angry

battling individuals

strutting their stuff

arching the back in an aggressive scream

in their dainty

red stockinged

quick step  

to chase away their own kind

they certainly know who their competition is?

Just like mankind really!

To be fair

In the air

They are graceful


Tail breaking

Tilting into the wind 

Chilling out on the waves for a bit of a lark?

Are they actually doing something?

or they could be…….

Just resting?

It is interesting to reflect on the fact

That eagles and hawks

Only seem to spend time on the ground

When they are in killing mode!

It certainly isn’t resting?

Not a puff in sight?

Although they do roost!

Lording over

Earth bound creature! 

When you look across the board

Ducks, herons, robins, sparrows 

None of them look tired after all that flying? 

A bit raggedly sometimes

After a particularly harrowing mating performance!

Mating is obviously a competitively, arduous task?

I’m sure having significant impact on their self esteem

If rejected!

Just think?

The day in day out

beating of wings

Just to stay up there?

And for REALLY long periods of time! 

No wonder some of them decided to stay on the ground!

They just had to learn to bloody RUN like hell!

At least when you stop, it’s not life threading?

Gravity doesn’t just

Throw you to the ground! 

There take that!

What about when they are flushed?

I ask myself

Not in embarrassment!

Have you ever seen a bird


in a panic stupid!

Escaping certain death

In a frantic

flurry of wing beats

Startled into flight 

Then they go like the clappers!

Beat, beat, beat

Their little heart must be racing!

Still no puffing though!

No heaving chest!

Just controlled, perch landing

A wide eyed

flurry of the feathers


that was close!


We haven’t even mentioned the migrating birds!

Continual flying

Through all kinds of weather

Gravity laying heavily upon them

What tenacity!

The determination!

They must be exhausted poor things!

But do they REALLY know what they are doing?


Have you seen Cranes, Sandpiper’s, Swallows, Starlings

Working out?

Limbering up?


They just stand around

A bit of stretching

Heads turning

That’s it! 

Looking at one another

Deciding WHO is going to led and fly first!


Don’t look at me?

Or do they just draw straws? 

I must admit

I have never seen cranes

Standing around

Chests pumping



Leaning against trees

face down in the mud

or flat on their backs in the reeds



Just a grooming

A quick check on the depleted stock of feathers

Head ducking into the doona

Just to check

Or are they like human athletes?

Really low heart rates?

that enables the relentless beading of wings 

For heaven knows how long??

Which I might add

Brings us to the Humming bird

Which oddly enough is migratory?

They are small, feisty buggers

Low body drag coefficient 

But BOY!

Do they need it!

With all that ducking, darting, dipping, tilting, fluttering about

Their wings are a blur

Over 70 beats a second

significantly more than their lazy brethren

who track around 2 to 7 beats per second

that is

ranging from just keeping up there to total panic!

the Blue Heron being the slowest

barely keeping airborne at 2 beats per second

a bit of a dullard really!


just to put it into perspective

the Humming Bird

the little blighters

you’ve got to love them

Their heart’s race at 1260 beats per second

Us humans

a paltry 60 to 100 beats per second

Athletics 40 beats per second

No wonder

They only live 3-5 years!


No matter whether they

Flap flap, fall, flap flap, fall


Flappppppp, flappppppp, flappppp

With a low, shallow beat





I have NEVER

Seen a bird

puff pant

I rest my case!