Will a disposition



You thought you got rid of me

Back there

Going down that spiralling vortex of light

As your corporeal organism 

You call them bodies 

Gave up the ghost


It’s me

I’m still talking

You ain’t!

And yoooou

thought it would all end! 

You bloody atheist’s 

I have it on good authority

That apparently 

it is an impermanent universe! 


for me 


you quested it


that’s me



I lie beyond all cognition

Can you believe it?


Independent of any corporeal organism


He was also spot on

Particularly about the soul 


Have no bloody idea

They need a cognising apparatus to even exist 

What a joke!

All those guys in fancy dress

Wafting around through mists of Frankincense

Saving souls?


What an expensive



Get used to the one fact


don’t exist without WILLING IT

Get that

I’m the only essential component




From what I can remember from last time round

I wallowed around in pointless poverty

In an emaciated cognising apparatus, that barely functioned


he had senses

But they were all sick and feeble

No amount of constant chatter could save that dud  


It’s time for a change 

I’m heading up town this time

I’m tracking this black dud

Speaks six languages with a PHD

Tall handsome

Pulls the broads

And man!

Is he packing bucket loads of sperm

He’s just giving it away 


but I’m nothing but patient? 

Just waiting for the impregnation

Then it’s

In like Flynne

A brand new cognising mechanism

Black this time

I’ve had it with that white trash 

I’m willing at least a trilingual

REALLY smart

Black dud

A chick magnet 

And obscenely

I mean obscenely wealthy!

So that WILL gets some traction man 

I’m just sick of this constant chatter to those various cognising organism’s

With little or no result 

They just don’t listen!

These corporeal entities!

Don’t get me wrong

Some of them are really nice

But they just don’t

I repeat

Because I’m really good at that

Repeating, that is

Don’t get it!

They wallow in their own particular sea of impermanence

Trying every sensual delight

Just to see if it works?

They are insatiable


They just keep doing it!

None stop  

And they think it means something!


What is worse

They have a thought

Usually more than one

Which is where the trouble starts

They conceptualise!

Can you believe it!

That’s when I get to shouting 

They actually think they can realise their concepts


Without ME





I get through!

But the poor organism is damaged

It can be reawakened

But why would you bother


Very few realise


They just have to appease ME

An appeased WILL is happiness

I can then relax

Wait until the eventual demise

of the poor deluded, corporeal entity

that thinks, believes

he has actually done something 

Bloody pathetic really?


I am free again

I, of all the entities can appreciate that! 

Not being a corporeal organism does have its drawbacks though?

But heck  

I can choose male, female, in between

I’ve tried everything you can imagine  

Sorry but I’ve forgotten again!

I just keep forgetting

Another thing I am VERY good at!

That it’s all beyond your imagination

It is unknowable!



I don’t FEEL

A thing

But I WILL everything!

You call them thoughts and get possessive about them!

I’m not sexist or racist!

Not like you corporeal entities 

The black duds are in fact, the most fun

I must admit

That it is a hassle sometimes though?

Jostling around impregnated eggs

With all these other Wills

God only knows who they are

They can be anything?

But it is always  

Really nice

When you get what you want

Hit home

Re-enter the corporeal world

Inhabit the head space

And tune in for the ride

Don’t ask me how it’s done

Bugger if I know!

I just keep

Repeating and forgetting is a continuous cycle 

Until you corporeal organisms

Can’t hack it anymore

Sounds pointless I know?

Almost makes you want to believe in the soul?

I usually make it a rule

only one big delusion per life time

It’s simpler

Less work for me 

Although the dialogue gets repetitive

There I go again

Being repetitive!

Some habits you can’t break

But I have forgotten

Which ones?

Ahh well

that’s WILL for you