karma, a disposition


For Fuck Sake

Give me a break

This Buddha guy is a great guy!

By all account

Everyone says so

But really?

Eternal reincarnation

Until you improve or get tired??

With due respect to Buddha 

The great one 

If we want to learn from each cycle

Be it through will or soul

Why forget, for fucks sake?

How do you learn?

By making mistakes dummy?

With no memory of other lives? 

What is the fucking point!


Talking about infinitesimal points in this universe?

Which we weren’t

But what the hell let’s go for it! 

what is you?

Is there an eternal me?

Is will me?

If will is eternally reincarnated

Is it an alien presence? 

Assuming that will is me!

charting my journey

as a salient being

Then discarding ME!

The bugger!

For the next incarnation!

Would you believe it?


No principles!

Or is there an eternal ME?

Whether through will or soul!

The soul is rejected

as it cannot be a cognising apparatus

so saith the great one!

Yet will

The sneaky bastard

Must be able to cognise?

To decide?

When and how to intervene in the impregnation

In order to chart the next journey of your karma


A sea of will ‘s

Floating some where

Jostling for the next impregnation!

Waiting for the eternal opportunity

To intervene in the conscious world 

If there are parallel worlds

Why reincarnate in this one?

Or are other worlds not conscious as we know it?


This is a construct

For Buddha

The conscious world is continual suffering

A disappointment!

As the senses lead us astray

To sadness

A continual sadness

A world or sorrow?


Who can witness the dawn?

Dwell in this world of endlessness beauty

The swaying sea

The convulsing surf!


the beauty wrought by man

The eternal creation of wondrous music

The art of unrelenting human creation


creating new platforms for this eternal creation

Then deign!

The beauty that shapes the life experience


The lesson of Buddha!

Is that we can be bloody better than we are

It is within our power 

We can be better by

Meditating on the beauty of conscious existence

And how to perpetuate it

Surely this is good karma?

It’s gotta be?

Dwelling on the sorrow of existence

Is only a downward spiral

A mechanism to force people

To obey? 

A threat?

My corporeal entity

Conceptualises thought

Beyond the senses

Do I


Exist independently of this cognising mechanism?

The fucked if I know!


Just transforms

As my life force leaves my cognising mechanism

how does it exist, transform into the cosmos?

Feebly at best!

We emit the energy of a bloody light globe after all!

In comparison with the sun???

Get real!

Mankind has conceptualised

About the beyond

A heaven, a hell,

For people of the book

A finite existence limited by the WORD

In Buddhism

an eternal reincarnation harkens

the infinite?

As long as YOU WANT to return?

Or earned one?

Implying an eternal will that is you!

In different corporeal entities 

That continually forgets?


Not a great premise for humanity! 

A fucking waste of time

If you ask me

Which you didn’t? 

Indeed existence


Is it a political mechanism?

Those bloody politicians! 

Is this just a rationalisation to give the suffering poor

A hope of a better existence beyond this world?

to suffer in silence, in this one?

To the wealthy and powerful, the threat of a return in the cycle

Possibly a return to poverty and powerlessness?

Heaven forbid!

To the wealthy

Appeasing the next world for their sins in this one, is critical!

The earth is littered with Churches, Mosques and Buddhist temples 

The plains of Pagan are full of them

Monuments to fear

The fear of being mortal?

And so

We arrive at the unknowable

The eternal nothingness 

That is


For fuck’s sake

What more do you want!

you can now relax?

There’s absolutely nothing to worry about!