
The private lift door slide away

Framing a silken apparition

Obviously wearing nothing underneath

The erect nipples

Punctuating my visual journey

To her succulent lips

With a shock of short cropped absolutely white hair

Biting her bottom lip

With a melting glance

Before erupting into an avalanche of effusive introductions

taking me by the hand

As we bumped

One to another

Pin balled to the penthouse terrace

overlooking the Thames

It was drinks?

I had meet Sunny before

So the low key nature of drinks for over a hundred people

Was to be expected!


A handsome, middle aged, British women

With pleading eyes

Having lived in South Africa

For most of her mature life

Steaming through four marriages

To a series of wealthy, South African industrialists

Accumulating personal wealth

like moss on a rock on the way

the current husband

a wealthy toy manufacturer of Bendy Toys

Drove us to their weekender from London

In his gold Rolls Royce

An arrogant, pretentious prick

A born manipulator

Gossip, having it that he took the patent for the Bendy Toys from the inventor

Leaving him penniless

While going on to make an internationally successful business

He was worth a mint!

It took only one car trip


Yes Judging


I know! I know!

As the Rolls crackled up the marble chip drive

Sliding to a stop at the front door of the 16 bedroom weekender

The door swung open

The Doric columns like sentinels either side

Framing the radiance

That is Sunny

wrapping around me


in a mist of perfume

stamping red lip seals

as we each unfolded from the Rolls

sweeping us into a white on white interior

of opulent simplicity

right down to the B&O stereo

the co-ordinated hostess wore

of course

all white

skin tight slacks

defining every undulation

every curve

tanned to perfection

a rippling cleavage

constrained within the gossamer thin



white top


perfume currents

trail blazed the gathered multitudes

pulling me deeper into her world

as Sunny

Flowed through to the garden terrace

Beautifully green

in a cool designer contrast

greeted with drinks served by the help

The Bush Babies

Where on display         

The convict colonials




Drawn into the hole of

Extreme wealth

Empty and bottomless!

But for the glow of Sunny

Leading the initiates by the hand

My green T shirt

Almost part of the colour scheme

With a melting white gelato

Running down the cone


Head turned

Looking askance

over her shoulder

Nailing me with her green eyes

Ran her tongue

In a slow, sensuous slide along her lips

Saying nothing

She did not have to!

I was gone!

The perfume

permeating my skin

into the essence of my very being

total intoxication

only on the drive back

did the haze lift

but not the ache

of the hangover

in silence

running my own mind games



How can she?


With this prick

Just for money?

At what cost?

With a deep sadness in her eyes

momentary flashes

of deep insecurity

in the intolerable silences

between words

before convulsing

kick starting

into the usual frenetic exuberance

About everything or nothing in particular

Fencing with the devils

The sadness deepened

Her eyes furtively


Her smile

With a radiant half life



Then the surprise invitation?

Like a reluctant puppy

I went to drinks at the penthouse

The private lift door opening

the apparition appeared again

gliding me into yet

another world

Illuminated by Sunny

Weaving through the flotsam and jetsam

Swimming against the rip

Finally giving up

in fatigue

in frustration

escaping into the lift


Spat out into the street

I walked alone

In the depths of emptiness

The emptiness

Of affluence

Of privilege

even the morbid

muddy Thames

dancing reflected lights

there is beauty in all things


musing on the abuse of wealth and privilege


By shallow 

Untalented people


Are obviously successful


Of my own

Sarcastic, judgemental
