A Solitary Man


An angry voice

Drove into my back



I flinched


Absorbed in my painting

Back to the door


I snapped into the real world




A short profile of a man

Etched against the entrance to the office


My eyes grappling with the light contrast


Walking into the office


His features

Emerging out of the glare


Where is Leonard?


I explained that he was on holiday for 3 months

And I was renting his office as a painting studio over the Christmas break


Well he did my house over two years ago


I wanted to get some minor work done


when I enquired at the Council


I was informed I was in contravention of the regulations as I was occupying the house that

I had NO Occupation Certificate and I would be subject to a fine!


This was Leonard’s responsibility

And I want it fixed now!


I explained that I was an architect and I will telephone Leonard

And get his permission to resolve this issue for him

Giving him my card


I will give you a call


I took his and name

Iva Davies


As Leonard was overseas

It took a couple of days


Leonard had basically fucked up

he was happy and relieved for me to resolve it in his absence


ringing Iva

I teed up a meeting at his house


Doing my usual due diligence

I checked him out


I was gob smacked

When I discovered he was the front man for Ice House


I had no bloody idea!

being overseas when they were big

YouTube up datingv my musical education


Apart from Great Southern Land


Which is a classic


I regarded Ice House as just another pop band

Then I heard

A Man of Colours


I was really moved

It was a beautiful, heart felt song



Was a bit of rebel

From a Melbourne middle class family

Studying classical music


Primarily the oboe


It was his oboe solo in Man of colours

That I found particularly moving


Arriving at the gate

My face pressed to the intercom

The gate clicked open


There was a garage

Then a steep set of stairs down to the two storeyed house

With a bridge linkage between the two buildings


The door swang open

With a convivial greeting

As I was ushered into the open plan living room

A grand piano in the corner


The gold record awards on the walls


Some great artwork

Leading to a terrace

A pool


All overlooking Whale Beach



With the sound of the distant surf

Crashing below


I was given a guided tour of the house

Outlining the work that was done and in what stages

Together with the associated issues


The bedrooms being upstairs

With a bridge connection to his music studio above the garage


The studio


Which had panoramic views of the ocean


had a series of guitars on stands

A music mixer

Together with other musical gadgetry


And smelt heavily of smoke

Iva was a chronic smoker


But never smoked in the house


They had just finished doing the musical score for

The Master and Commander film by Peter Weir


With Russell Crow


Walking back to the large dining table

We went through all his documentation

Over coffee


I gave him an over view of how I would approach it


getting the occupation certificate for the old work

Then designing documenting and supervising the construction

Of a new fence and landscaping work

Including a new security system


Pissy stuff really

Not what I normally do!


But we had an immediate rapport


I liked him

Agreeing to do the work on an hourly basis



Led the conversation

Into his private world


He came back from touring one year

with the house had been totalling stripped

All the furniture was gone







concerned about his family


The wife and two kids


Desperately ringing around

It became clear

His wife had left him

Taking the kids and literally everything in the house

No explanation!


There was nothing left


The pain walking across his face

As he related the ordeal


The conversation

Drifted into the resurrection of Ice House


The related concerts

Together with acoustic solo performances

Mainly within Australia


The renewed notoriety

Resulting in a besotted woman fan


Who lived in Queensland


Arriving at his house

Asking to come in

Shouting at the intercom


He had to call the police

And take out a restraining order!


Hence the new video security intercom system


She then proceeded to stalk him at his appearances

At one point, security guards

Having to fend her off


Iva had no idea what she would do next!


It was clear

This was deeply distressing to him


Compromising his personal safety as well as his kids


During the marriage breakup

Then the resulting financial disaster


which took him years to unravel


He had started seeing a phycologist


Who he subsequently started a relationship with?


As I could testify

His home was easily researched on the internet


He felt very venerable and exposed


As the work progressed

We would have almost weekly sessions

We would have extended conversations in the driveway

Just walking around

Or over coffee

Looking out over the ocean


Sometimes for hours on end


Always deviating from the task before us

Into life, art, music, politics


The Man of Colours

Was written about his uncle

the song had a special meaning for him


Which I connected with directly

Being an amateur artist


It still moves me now


As we talked

Iva always opening up further

As our relationship evolved


Iva was a lonely solitary man

Estranged from his children

An ugly divorce


With an over protective psychologist lover

Building walls around him


Feeding his developing paranoia


Several times we discussed

Doing other things

as we had mutual interests

Maybe coffee or diner

We both lived in the area after all


On each occasion

Time lapsed

The follow ups dissipated


Then obvious excuses


It was clear to me that he had spoken to his lover psychologist



As our conversations lurched from a series of really enjoyable sessions opening up to one another


To shutdowns


It was all about protecting himself!

Or herself depending on which way you look at it


The work went on in this manner for about a year

All going well

I almost hand crafted the elaborate lit mail box with integrated video intercom

Taking it from one workshop to another to get it done


It is still there


Knowing we both appreciated single malt whisky


He presented me with a gift at the end of the work

Of a bottle of expensive single malt whisky and glasses


I was touched


Each Christmas

I always send out a group email to all my friends

A seasons greeting as it were

With usually some piece of my artwork or photograph


I always sent Iva a similar email, but individually

He responded in the first year with a photograph of his children by the Christmas tree

A lovely shot


We usually exchanged a couple of emails

Just touching base each Christmas


One year

His email only showed a Christmas tree


No kids


For some reason

This saddened me



a closing off of his private world

all understandable?


This year he beat me to it?

Iva sent me a greeting email

Which really surprised me


It was like a reaching out

Of a solitary, famous man


Aloft in his world above the sea


It still saddens me


It was a loss to me

of what could have been