Crazy Bastards

It was hard to see at first                                                                          

Just sound

a distant hum

Ever increasing

Conversation slowed

Then stopped

As heads scanned the skies

The horizon

through the Palm trees

to the beach 

a dot

a dilating black hole


straight towards us

we stood


realising finally

it was a chopper

literally a metre or so above the waves

clipping the ocean

a wake of spray

coming in

at full speed

straight at us

the glass bubble of the chopper

chattering back light

through the rotating blades

as the missile

zoomed large 

crossing the surf

the chopper turned sharply vertical

rocketing skyward


an avalanche of sand

in a crescendo of ear-splitting sound

cowering the palms

in a frenzied whiplash

blasting sand onto the veranda of the house


sliding us backwards

bouncing off the wall

arms raised

in a vain attempt

to shield the eyes from the onslaught

draining sand as we picked ourselves up

blinking into the light

the chopper


hovered over the beach

in front of the house

the pilot waved

then disappeared into the heavens

fucking Dave!

he was bored coming back from the rigs

he obviously thought

we needed the wind being put UP us

sweeping up the sand

then getting back to the BBQ and beer

the two Kiwi’s

escaped drug dealers from NZ

who now worked on the gas rigs off the east coast of Malaysia

talked me through Dave

who was a British Marine trained helicopter pilot

like a lot of military personal

the oil industry sucked them up after their discharge

that was not the end of Dave

days later

we were out on Pulau Kapas

laying in the sun

eyes closed behind the shades


feeling the warmth of the sand


sluggish in the heat

the fishing boat anchored in the bay

the silence gradually being captured by

a now familiar drone

as I ripped the shades off

looked around

then directly up

as the cosmic bubble was diving



vertically towards the beach

at ME

I rolled over

Just as the chopper turned abruptly horizontal

In a cacophony of sound and a mist of aviation fuel vapour

Enveloping everything in sand

As the chopper headed into the surf

Skimming the waves

with a shiver of spray across the bay

I shook the sand from my head to see

the obligatory wave out of the window

as the chopper dissolved into a dot

shacking the sand out of every orifice

I decided

I had to meet Dave!

At the island resort hotel overlooking Terengganu on Bukit Kecil

Dave together with an American, an ex-navy seal

Joined us at the table

Having just finished the deep-fried ice cream

A speciality of the house

As the sunset prayer, the Maghrib, wove a spell with the evening mist

as we launched into the serious business

of drinking!


Had a startling shock of white hair

a legacy of being shot down

losing a mate in combat

who was sitting right beside him

his head a bloody pulp

spinning, spiralling to the ground 

the rear rotor blades gone

battling to control

the angle of the final full stop

skidding into the earth

at 25?



an accomplished alcoholic and drug taker

while off duty of course

Dave often jested

that if they introduced drug or alcohol tests before the morning bus trips to the rig

nobody would be flying!


the blue eyed American Navy Seal

increasingly stoked after multiple visits to the bathroom?

a trained assassin in the Navy Seals during Vietnam

he used to swim up rivers, at night, underwater

assassinate a Vietcong leader that had been targeted

then swim out again to the waiting launch

only one night

the launch wasn’t there!

in the eternal blackness that is the ocean at night

nobody knows how long he was there

he was plucked from the water unconscious

then flown to Thailand

to recuperate

spending time in hospital

he was wavering in and out of a comma

a nurse came over to his bedside

to check on him

touching his hand for his pulse

instinctively the training kicked in

he lashed out

almost killing the nurse

Scott discharged himself

And never returned


He was an intelligent man

Drifting around the world

controlling the oil and gas drilling rigs to find the right spots

a skilled job 

This was the world that the Kiwi’s inhabited

The world of single, damaged men

Bumping around the world

Diving deeper into their own drug fuelled personal ibises

By comparison

The Kiwi’s were unskilled

But managed to get jobs on the rigs as manual labourers

Two weeks on, one week off

Extremely well paid

Once a month

They would take all their pay

Drive to Singapore

Hire two women each

Spending the entire week

Off their faces

In a luxury hotel

With all the food being brought in

As they partied


Usually coming back broke!

They also bought a boat

for water skiing on the rivers

That wound their way through the jungles leading to the mountains

Conscripted on one occasion

We motored up a muddy, fast flowing estuary

that snaked into an ever-narrowing river

with floating tree trunks, branches

the jungle capturing the banks

limbs trailing into the swollen river

Half stoked

They cajoled me into the water with the skies

I raised my hand



they hit the peddle

At full speed!

I was catapulted from the water

As the G force locked my arms

In a frantic attempt to stay on my feet

At full speed, they oscillated from one side of the river

To the other

As I brushed the trees

in an pendulum of increasing panic

As the jungle blurred by

The Kiwi’s in hysterics

No doubt amused by the look of terror on my face


They did a standing

360 turn

in the middle of the river

sending up a huge bow wave

as I was catapulted around the pivot point of the boat

At escalating speed

Skipping through, over the bow wave

With the jungle looming up at great speed

As the width of the river at this point

was narrower

Then the length of the boat and the ski rope

This was it!

I bailed

Sinking into the brown slime

In total uproar

In convulsions of laughter

They could just

lift me from the water

my arms still locked in a muscular spasm

I slumped into the rear of the boat

as they mounted the seats

Tootling the boat at a slow, gliding pace

Down stream

Waving and laughing at the Malays gathered at the water’s edge

Who watched the show

Wondering what the hell was going down!

namely ME?


Recovering my panicked breath


Listening to them chat

As they recounted the stunt


with over the shoulder glances

It was lucky there were no crocodiles today!!!!

I rolled my eyes

And departed company with the Kiwi’s

Although to my embarrassment

After straightening my arms

the story did make the rounds of the bars for a few months afterwards

Oh! the joys of the expat community?

However, the continuing party came to sudden stop

When Dave

air lifted the two Kiwi’s off the rig

After a large fire that killed two rig operators

One Kiwi was superficially burned was trying to save his mate

Who was severely burned beyond recognition

He was flown to Singapore

No luxury hotels this time!


I never saw him again?