What is it with snow?

What is it with snow?

And cars?

We were heading north

On a sharp, freezing

But sunny day

From Edinburgh to Inverness

The Renault R5 was humming along


Alive to the sun 

The road though Cairngorms National Park looked more interesting

We had left early

We had the time

Off the main drag

Onto Military Road 

Through the valleys

Narrowing as we went

Snow powdering the ground from the night falls

Towards the Spittal of Glenshee

Coming cover a rise

The mountain rose before us 

The map didn’t say anything about mountains!

A single snow-covered road

Perfectly straight


Through the snow

Like an abstract painting


The road was lined with 15 to 20 cars on the lefthand side of the road

Coloured dots

Going no where

We drove down into the valley




What is going on?

The hill road is too slippery!

No one has been able to get up!

We looked at one another

Fuck that for a game of ludo!

We drove back up the hill

we had just come down

To get a good run up

For the task ahead

we turned around 


Gunning the car

Foot all the way down

Released the hand break

Wheels spinning until traction

Then away we flew

Down the hill

As fast as we could go

Repeatedly beeping the horns, waving

As we shot past

Burring the standing and cheering

gathered multitudes

sounds dissipating into the engine roar

Was there something they know that we don’t??

Have they tried this before??

Loosing speed

Rapidly changing down

Fishtailing all over the road 

the tyres

Biting through the snow

breaking through the ice

Down to the bitumen

The smell of burning rubber

Clouds of trailing black smoke

thank god it’s a hire car

As we fishtailed ourselves to the very top


We jumped out

Flinging the doors open

Waving frantically to the crowd below

Who cheered, whistled, hooted in salute

In tribute

That one stint of rally driving certainly paid off?

We confidently slide into the car

What a buzz! 

As we drove into the plateau at the top of the range

The adrenalin oozing away

As the snow deepened

It just kept getting deeper

It was higher than the top of the car 

We drove into this predetermined groove

Snaking through the top of the world 

Not another car on the road


Nobody has been up here in a while!

Only fresh snow!


ricocheting between the snow drifts

not saying anything

me looking at the fuel gauge

doing the maths

The conversation slowed


As it silently dawned on both of us

can we make it??

No water or food!

Gripping the wheel

Fixated on the road ahead


Like a vision

In silhouette 

Then in detail

A huge


On a hill

Rose out of the horizon

Exchanging quizzical looks  

This sculpture of a man

Seated in a lounge chair

was turning and looking over his shoulder

To the mountain behind him 


Taking the appropriate photos

Laughter, echoing, breaking the leaden silence

Animated conversation

Gushing forth

in shear nervous relief

There was someone else up here


What is it about snow?

And cars?

Standing outside Newark Airport in New York

Under the canopy

Snow failing

Having just arrived

Survived the gauntlet of US customs

Early in the morning

Only to hear

We were the last flight in

New York was closed

In or out

Nothing was moving 

No transport into the city

The airport hotels were booked out

Sitting on our suitcases

As I phoned the hotel

Advising them that we were stranded

As I was speaking

A big black dude shuffled up to me

You want to get into New York tonight?

Shit ya!

He nodded

Picked up the bags

walking away

we double time following our bags

Out into the darkness 


Thudding through the increasingly thick snow

Apprehension setting in

Looks exchanging

Faltering speech

I will just charge you what it normally costs

I have to get home anyway!

Normally it only takes half an hour

If we stay off the main roads

Avoid the police

Take it slow

I can get you there!


In no way relieved

He walked ahead

Wiped the thick layer of snow off the stretch white limo


a stretch white limo!

in the snow!

Running the car to get the heat going

Scraping the ice of the front and rear windscreens

As we bundled into the back seat of the limo

Like two kids on an outing

We crawled out of the carpark

At walking pace


who knows where?


Who knows who?

We obviously started with the weather

I will not say

To break the ice???

As the conversation unravelled

I folded down the dicky seat

Sliding open the glass panel

to hear one another better

The laughter flowed

As the situation dawned on us both

He was a character

We relaxed into it

it’s bloody freezing!

I’ve got something for that 

He handed through the window

a stainless steel flask full of Bourbon

passing it around

fuelling the pace of the conversation

not the car

the cavity of the limo

took on a convivial, surreal atmosphere

a glowing ember

in a canvas of white

a rolling

white capsule


then right

then again

and again

the car

seemingly walking

at a snails pace

through snow drifts

through tunnels of fairy tale lights

it was Christmas!

Welcome to New York!

The driver


Yes Chuck!

of all names

Chuck was a hoot

To this day I cannot remember what we talked about

Music, politics, New York


laughing our way into New York

For the two whole hours

God only knows where we went?

Arriving very early in the morning

Over Newark Bay and the upper harbour

Into the heart of New York 

No cars moving except us

A dampened silence

The streets a meter deep in snow

white cocooned cars 

sculpting each street

the occasional yellow flash

a mound of a buried yellow cab

 a monument to former times

This was New York at Christmas!

we literally

tumbled out onto the sidewalk

bourbon does not affect you?

I paid him double what he asked

Gave him a big hug

It was like losing a friend

Thanking him


too zealously 

Forcing the door open into the blazing light of the deserted hotel lobby

Past the blinking Christmas tree

to the desk

the shrill sound of the bell

shattering the after glow

Of the best welcome into New York

not to mention the Bourbon

What a Christmas!

Only in America!

But what is it with snow?

And cars?