Glass Doors


You heard rightly!

I took a sweeping turn from the road

Into the laneway

the driveway

applied the brakes

but nothing happened


the car slamming into the glass garage door

At 1 am in the morning 


I was not drunk!


I was not speeding 


I was angry

as my partner had been flirting outrageously all night at the party


it was a silent ride home


by anything

but a silent arrival

I thankfully

hit the door at a relatively slow speed

But enough to jam the old mini into the rear of the jag in the garage

And scatter the entire garage glass door


Reverberating down the entire laneway

At one in the morning?


It created a huge stir

Lights flickered on down the laneway

People coming out into the laneway in their dressing gowns and pyjamas

John and Barb’s bedroom was immediately above the garage

They were the first to be shaken into the reality of my arrival


Thankfully nobody was hurt

Just my ego

Which took a the bigger dent

Than the mini

Barb and John

Took it calmly I thought?

They said little really

The mini was old

And Barb had had trouble with the breaks fading before


I was let off the hook

A bit

But it did not improve my mood

We inspected the damage

Went inside and had a whisky

Which tended to put us all in a philosophical disposition in relation to the incident 


John and Barb?

Well they called us their bush babies

We had just arrived in London and they kindly allowed us to stay and

To borrow the car



Not a good start

I beat myself up about it for years

But we laughed about it later 

In time

I tended to look on Barb as my English mum

How did I know them?

Well it’s a bit of a story 

Barb had gone out with my partner’s Dad during the war

He had proposed

But Barb could not leave her aging mother

So Geoff came back to Oz and married Ezy

Geoff was a character

A navigator in the Royal Air Force

Flying low level bombing runs into the Norwegian fiords

after the German sub bases

The crews usually only lasted 3 weeks 

He was lucky and was pulled back to Canada

To teach the yanks how to navigate at night

As they were taking a pasting in the daylight raids


Hard to imagine  


Barbara came out to Oz to find Geoffrey twenty odd years later

They meet at Manly and spent the entire night

Talking and drinking

We were telephoned on Sunday morning

we all meet up

literally on the beach for a late breakfast

the story unfolding over coffees

set to the music of the surf

as they collectively endeavoured to sober up

That started it all really

The birth of the bush babies

John and Geoff got on like a house on fire

John was in the British Secret Service during the war

He was undercover with the resistance in Italy

Speaking fluent Italian with a suntan

He never talked much about it

Just drank a lot 

In his late twenties, he started as office boy

In the office of the largest real estate company in the UK

When I meet him he was the Managing Director

And the company was the biggest in the UK

They were trading into Europe

John was very successful

A couple of years after Barb and John married

He had a massive heart attack

He was 32

The war had finally caught up with him

The doctor advised him not to drink

But he said a whisky in the evening was OK 

I am sure he meant one

But that was enough for John


John retired

With Barb looking after him and the ritualised drinking began

Gins a twelvezzes

The sun being over the yard arm

and then

whiskies after five

Every day

I was taught how to make a pink gin

Becoming the local hired help

John was not a good drunk

He was on so much medication it did not take much 

He would become very argumentative

We used to go away for weekends together


In a restaurant in Wales

After asking for butter for his bread roll

A bowl of packets of butter in plastic arrived 

Not curled on a chilled plate!

Which pissed him off

He picked the plastic butter satchel off the table and throw it on the floor in a rage

this is not good enough


I felt embarrassed

Defending the waiter 

But Barb sprang to his defence as

Standards have dropped!

the butter should always be curled and chilled!

I know it is hard to believe it?

But they were good to be with most times

Even though we always debated politics


was the socialist lefty from downunder


The aspiring middle class

Clinging to the established nostalgia of Royalty

They thought Royalty had some use??

These discussions usually punctuated our weekends away

One weekend

we went to their weekender in Oxfordshire

It was an old neo gothic mansion 

The owners falling on bad times

Subdivided it into 4 apartments

John and Barb had the ground floor apartment

It had

Glass panelled doors opening out onto the terrace and the luxuriant English country side

I don’t know what it is about glass doors


being helpful?

I volunteered to paint the glazed timber doors

I taped them up with masting tape and painted them white


In keeping with tradition

Suggested we go to the pub for lunch

That was the end of it

We did not surface until the next morning

It may be difficult to imagine

But it was a sunny summer weekend

I nonchalantly tried to just peel it off, as you do??

The next day

but the masting tape had baked onto the glass

I spent the remainder of the weekend scrapping the bloody masting tape off the glazed doors

To much amusement

That was the end of my handyman career 

As you say

It was the starting of an urban legend


I did go back

A few times

After John’s sudden death

Barb travelled more

Being now

independently wealthy 

She stayed with me in Singapore

And came out to Oz a couple of times

Revealing the delights of Manly to me

As only a stranger to the land can

Each time I went to London

The drinking had intensified

Barb became more belligerent and angry

But it was still fun

As I tended the bar and generally cooked

Barb taught me how you tell spaghetti is cooked


By throwing it against the kitchen wall


If it sticks

All done


as the deterioration into dementia set in

Engaged live in help

Giving her nephew the power of attorney

Barb adored her sister’s only son

He was the child she never had 


A well-meaning Irish lass

came under the influence of the nephew

And we were still the bush babies

As soon as the nephew took the power of attorney

He bought himself a range rover

Of course!

you need it in the country

to drive into London to look after Barb, of course

The house fell into disrepair and the live-in help was put under a regime that changed the mood in the house

Barb was not happy

As she slid into alcohol fuelled dementia 

The last time I saw her

Barb was 85 

The image is still etched in my heart

Just two chairs in the living room

Her legs crossed

Elbows on knees 

The extended leg


The obligatory fag in one hand

the glass of twelvezzes gin in the other


smoking continuously

Squinting through the smoke

The ice cubes rattling 


As she attempted to find her mouth

she stubbed out the fag

reaching out

grabbing my hand

speaking in a conspiratorial whisper

tightening the grip

you have to get me out of her 



I will talk to Andrew the nephew and Jane

To see what I can do!

A knowing smile

The dropping of the hand

Nothing more was said 

Of course

I was upset

Fundamentally disturbed

This once proud, handsome, intelligent women

Reduced to being the host for two parasites

Who were draining her life forces 

Speaking immediately to Andrew and then Jane 

My concerns were written off

Barb was merely delusional 

The dementia you know

I could not know what it was like, looking after a demented women 24 hours a day

You are only here for a day

The truth




I left my contact details and got on a flight to Oz


No one ever contacted me

Although I sent emails

It was weird

Roughly twelve months after the last visit 

I had a dream

Barb came to say goodbye

I knew

she was gone 

To this day

I don’t know what transpired 

It left a deep sadness

With this bush baby!