the dolphins


I could feel the rumble of the engines

Vibrating through my feet




Slowing the cruisers drift to the wharf


In front of Harbourside Festival Marketplace in Sydney 


Now stationary

We all walked to the bow of the cruiser


Champagne in hand


This event had been three years in the making

Laurie Brereton

the former Minister of Public Works responsible for shepherding the construction of Darling Harbour and the Monorail through to completion

prepared to do the honours of presenting a sculptural marque of dolphins to the 10 key members of the team that brought the idea to life


the sculptural masque was of a sculpture that was to be in front of Harbourside

but it was stopped by the taste police on the Darling Harbour Authority


as a commemoration of the event

I had organised the marques with the team and Doug Hurr

An American sculpture involved with Doug Michels in the Ant Farm

A public art group during the 1970’s

Which was responsible for the Cadillac Farm


The Cadillac Farm being

The burying 10 Cadillac’s nose down into the desert in Amarillo Texas

Charting the decline of the tail fin

An analogy to the decline of the American dream


I was totaly unaware that I was to be awarded 1/10 of the marque’s

It was a complete surprise


As I stepped up to receive my marque


In the illustrious company of Jim Rouse


The inventor of the Festival Marketplace


Tom and Ian Hayson


who were the inspiration behind the bid for a Festival Marketplace in Darling Harbour


together with other members of the team

Bob Perry, David Humphries and Rodney Monk of the public Art Squad, Pat Gocher, Gary King, just to mention a few


It was a long journey


Beginning with the Hayson’s meeting with Laurie Brereton in Baltimore

When he was on his world discovery trip to benchmark Darling Harbour against similar harbourside rejuvenation projects internationally


Over lunch


As the story goes


Tom produced a masterplan sketch that had been prepared by Clark Perry Blackmore

To illustrate how a retail complex could be introduced into Darling Harbour Master Plan


The current state planners only wanted parks and museums

With little to activate the foreshore


After seeing the Festival Marketplace in Baltimore

Brereton was convinced


Resulting in an open tender being announced

Which the Hayson Group won


Using Jim Rouse’s ,the Rouse Company

as the figure head


Clark Perry Blackmore (CPB)


Being an architectural company of only 8 people

Were to work with the American Retail Design Company RTKL

Documenting their design in Sydney


CPB having no experience in running large projects employed me

to head up the documentation team and work on the design with RTKL

with the design lead of Bob Perry


an inspirational part of the project was the commitment of $2 million

to a Public Art Programme under the Art Management of the Public Art Squad

involving over 40 artists from all over Australia and internationally

which I Project Managed together with David Humphries and his team


Starting off a design workshop in Sydney with RTKL

I then travelled to Baltimore


Spending 6-8 weeks at a time

Working out of hotels and the RTKL offices in Baltimore and San Francisco


Working up a design with RTKL

Which eventually I had to present to the Darling Harbour Authority

Which I was reluctant to do

As I did not like the Americanisation of the design


Bob Perry and I had already bounced around design possibilities that would have pushed the envelope a lot further


While in the US on one of my trips

I had dinner with Jim Rouse and Myrtle his wife

In their house in Columba Maryland


A city designed by the Rouse Company


Jim Rouse

An American entrepreneur in the real sense of the word


And a real gentleman to boot

With a deep social sense of responsibility

Who taught me a lot about retail


Jim coined the idea of a Mall in America in 1958

Building 65 Malls over time

he then saw that the homogenisation of the Mall was decimating the city centres

moving in 1976

to the construction of the first Festival Marketplace to rejuvenate the city centres starting with Faneuil Hall

So Harbourside was his first venture overseas


The RTKL design was presented and went ahead

But the Hayson Group, particularly Pat Gocher, were not happy with RTKL’s performance


They were eventually put off the job


CPB picking up the entire project including the interior design which was led by Bob Perry

With an enthusiastic young design team


CPB changed it’s name and brought on new Director’s

Expanding to a company of 85 at one point over a 3 year period

before sliding backwards in the 1991 down turn


It was the high light of my professional career

As I learned so much


The dolphins have become embattled over the years

Just like me!