

Cinderella has a lot to answer for!

Kings Road Chelsea

Saturday morning

My partner had disappeared

Into the gaggle of women

At a shoe sale

Forlornly standing at the entrance to the shoe shop

Feeling irrelevant


A displaced person

after all women don’t buy shoes for men!

Standing out front

Caught in the eddy

Between the street currents

And the surge

The laminar flow

of the

Shoe trap

A long central entrance

With display windows either side


Obsessive compulsive

Resurgent women



The heaven of a shoe sale

Like sticky paper in a fly trap



Like a reed in the current

A fixed mesmerised stare

Watching the passing parade

Musing to myself

of course!

Raising myself to my full height

Hands behind my back

Trying to be above it all

My nose above the current

I was then joined by another

Desolate male

In a stripped blue and white jacket


Tee shirt

Standing shoulder to shoulder

buffeted together by the flow

The forced proximity

Intimacy even

Of an invaded body space

What is it about women and shoes?

Turning the head


Its Mick Jagger!

Playing it cool

There were no introductions



I was just musing to myself about that

Whether this all about plumage

In the mating game

The Cinderella syndrome


But we all know

“fuck me” pumps when we see them!!


Mick was right

We do!

Particularly with bows or something on the back

It a sculptural flag

The overt invitation?

Or a hazard warning?

It’s a man thing

but usually feet are the last thing a man notices

The eyes

That very intimate

first connection

Then the laser scan

The feet being the last port of call

Stilettos indeed

have a lot to answer for!

It must be about confidence


Feeling taller

Or the adrenalin rush

Or a dopamine fuelled

Feeding frenzy

We laughed

You can smell it from here!

Mick’s arm was arrested



Wearing a pair of knee high leather boots

Eliciting the appropriate response

Delight of course

They turned

Arm in arm

Without a word


Then lost in the current

That was Kings Road

On a Saturday morning