the knock



Shaken from slumber



then again

 A knock

A Sharp

One finger knuckle tap


Scanning my new apartment


No one knows me here in Singapore

Tentatively I shuffled to the door

Spurred on by another


Insistent knock

Straightening to my full height

I swept the door open in a defiant gesture

Wafting my hair

Sucking my very breath away

In an exhalation

Punctuated by dilated eyes

Flared nostrils

Transfixed by this wondrous diminutive beauty framed in my doorway


dazed then shocked

she stepped back

I flinched

Shuffling feet

Stammering out a pathetic attempt at a quizzical, inflicted gesture of greeting

This apparition’s succulent lips mouthed a faltering fragmented explanation in a vague, indeed vain attempt at English explaining

She is my landlord

 Her black eyes furtively darting around me to view into the apartment, swaying her luxuriant black shiny sprung hair



for just long enough to feel apologetic

about not inviting her in immediately

I stepped aside with a waving gesture of welcome that swept her into my world

 We stood nervously shuffling around the lounge

She was amazed and really liked what I had done to the place

I had no money and the furniture was cheap shit, appalling really, for the price I am paying

Being in China town overlooking the markets

I bought a whole lot of white sheets and wrapped all the furniture, lounges, chairs, tables, everything

tying oversized knots, stretching each piece into a sculptural form that modelled the interior

Just simple expediency

Having once again reminded me that this was her place

she assumed a confident erect posture and strolled through my kitchen

then into my bedroom, opening wardrobes, drawers

I could not believe this

This is either an affront and I don’t really care who she is


a gift from heaven in a new world

I was ready for the gift??

Her stilted compliments

Had me trying

In my best slow emphatic broken English

to communicate

to impress


I am an architect working in Singapore

Asking where to try the best food in China Town

in a forlorn attempt to find faltering common ground

She glided into the living room and alighted on the wrapped lounge

I offered tea and chatted from the kitchen as I prepared green tea


She relaxed into the folded sheet


beautifully sighing

Transfixed in my alternative imaginary world

her satin skin inviting touch

the very sound of her legs



her soft red lips silently mouthing words

unknown to me 

a masterpiece on the canvas of my dreams

as she curled her legs in a comfortable, familiar manner

my eyes tracing her skin and delighting in the emphatic gestured sway of her hair


my senses in overload

audio on mute

just making out

through the fog of incomprehension

her deceased father left her this apartment as a start to her investment portfolio

a future dowry

I could not fail to be further impressed

Rich and beautiful!

A shadow walked across her face

realising the time

she sat upright and apologised in a stilted manner

bringing the tea to rest on the side table

We both abruptly stood facing one another

Me electric

she apprehensive

not knowing where to look

I nervously extended my hand

Expressing my over enthusiastic delight in meeting her by clasping both of my hands in hers

With a guiding hand in the small of her back

she slid towards the door

I ran ahead like an excited puppy, opening the door and with a courteous bow

she was gone

I waved and gently closed

clicked the door

Leaning on the door in staggered disbelief at my good fortune

A fleeting thought

Did I miss an opportunity?

Should I have asked her out to dinner??

I morphed into my own world of would be’s, what if’s

Reconciling myself with the fact that I could not provide the 5 C’s that Singaporean women desired the most

Cock, cash, credit cards, condominium, cars

The only C I had was Caucasian

I literally slumped

into the chair

Sitting on the balcony as the light left me


A knock

A solid full knuckled

Rap, rap, rap

shaking the door

then another

reverberating down the stair well

startled from my reading

I leap up

threw the book onto the lounge

bouncing then to the floor

I tentatively

opened the door

ajar just enough to see

a tall thick set wall of a man silhouetted by the lobby light

casting a long dark shadow into my apartment

shielding a familiar diminutive beautiful figure in an alluring cheongsam

my landlord stepped forward

bowing demurely

this was her boyfriend, who did not speak English

she was so taken by what I have done to the apartment

she hoped I would not mind if she showed him the apartment

of course

straightening up to my full height

with some reservation

invited them in

she wafted around the apartment like she owned it oddly enough?

Chattering, gesticulating at each piece in an excited manner

the dialogue was one sided, energetic, bouncy, light with little familiarity or obvious intimacy, just giggles orchestrating the tour

standing at the closed door


my eyes followed her every move, every inflection, every intonation not understanding

what in the hell she was saying

his demeaner

questioning, stabbing, wrinkled brow, glances over his shoulder

directed at me


discordant jolts

every time my eyes meet his

in tandem she brought the tour back to the door

I reluctantly offered tea

It was just a quick stop so I politely opened the door

he bowed

with a flashy insincere smile

as a parting gesture

as the cacophony of their conversation

colliding around the stair well


bursting onto the street

reverberating up to my balcony

as I watched

them both

slide into a white, chaffered Mercedes

slowly draw away from my life


I flopped down into the lounge

All my fantasies evaporated in a mist of disappointment


A knock

At least

I thought it was a knock

A soft gentle stroke more accurately

A caress 

Almost undetectable

To the human ear


after just returning from a long trip 

My ear swivelled in the direction of the door

Another smooth, longer caress of my door

With both hands firmly on the knees

I reluctantly pumped, raised myself upright

Heavy, with a slight sway

I shuffled to door

 yet another soft caress, as I quickened my pace

slowly opening the door

in a tired resigned manner

my eyes downwardly cast


as I raised my head

instantly unfolding to my full height

to an image

of a handsome, stately, elder women

expensively dressed


with sparkling olive eyes


with my landlord in tow?

beaming as she introduced

her mother!

excitedly, she grasped her mother’s arm with an animated smile

Come in I hear myself say

I was awake, but unsure where this was going

Was a forlorn hope being awakened??

I shook the mother’s hand politely and they moved over the threshold 

After the obligatory tour, excited chatter, raised eye brows, shaking of the head

they arrived back at the lounge

alighting on the edge as I prepared tea

serving the mother humbly, first

bowing the head as I passed the tea

the landlord, interpreting for the mother

as a stilted, faltering conversation unfolded

complimenting me on what I had done to the place

overjoyed at having a Caucasian as a tenant

obviously who else would pay this rent?

stilted as it was

silences ensued

as phrases were formulated


an invitation to dinner




taken aback


I graciously accepted

they chatted as I hastily changed shirt

then to the door

down the stairs

into the street

my landlord, took my arm and pulled me towards the car

the chauffeur opened the rear door of the white Mercedes

depositing me next to her mother

they both beamed smiles of appreciation and satisfaction

as I wondered where do we go from here?

sandwiched between two beautiful women, lapsing in and out of silence

as the light escaped to the west

a nervous apprehension set in

as we journeyed out to the east

the coastal seafood restaurants

which I knew well 

The car dropped us off

we walked along the seawall

to an open air restaurant under the emerging stars

battling against the ablaze of lights

the chatter skipping across the water

The mother was known

wielding authority

a small, special table was hurriedly organised and set up facing the water

no booking, just assumed expectations, obediently met

The wavering, sing song conversation, kicked through the ordering

no menu

what the mother wanted was confidently dictated

with reciprocal nods by the manager

punctuating each course order

scribbling frantically

a nod


as the manager evaporated into the glare

beer was ordered for me

the mother was not drinking

the landlord

just sipped the same beer glass all evening


Well what else could I do?

the conversation was so forced, punctuated with radiant smiles and giggles

I smiled, nodded

and drank

When we got to the fruit

I felt

A warm soft pad of flesh with twinkling animated toes

Crawling up my leg


looking down

then up

my eyes darting to the mother

then locking into the landlord’s gaze

as she, tilted her head

quietly, demurely smiling

Moving further up my leg

In a slow sensuous movement

The naked foot

Toes crawling higher

The mother was conversing with the manager at some length

Unaware of my shifting awkwardness

Our eyes transfixed, she broadened her riveting smile,

Intensifying her gaze

As her foot moved higher

up between my legs

rhythmically moving

up and down

arousal was not on my mind

as I wondered

what the fuck was going on here?

trying valiantly to stay cool

the brick wall of the boyfriend not far from my mind

sweat running down my temples dripping from my chin

I excused myself and fled to the gents


indeed very sternly, lecturing myself at the urinal

What in the fuck are you doing?

Am I being groomed with the permission of the mother?

A honky as a son in law?

Where’s the boyfriend?

A splashed my face at the basin

wake up, wake up

giving myself a direct, empowering stare before turning

walking back

wearing a cool cloak of civility

As I approached the table

The bill was paid with no money changing hands, just a nod of thanks

We they all stood at once

synchronised in that moment

the landlord

magnetically drawn to my side

grabbing my arm

head tilted, her eyes languishing in mine

The mother smiled knowingly, as we walked

The car was there of course


Glasses misting with the blast of cold airconditioned air

Sandwiched again

feeling the heat of two radiating bodies

as quietness slowly descended over the hum of the traffic

the mother

with a fixed gaze out the window

strobed by sporadic yellow street lights

as my landlord slid her arm in mine, resting her head on my shoulder

the other hand slid up my thigh to my crutch

I looked down


the demure smile

The car ended the agony

By stopping

Shaken into awareness

my landlord alighted, bounced onto the pavement

I slid out, smiling over the shoulder

nodding thank you

to the mother 

I stood up

Sliding past her silken breasts

Her eyes tracking my rise

in a knowing gaze

She took my arm and started walking to the door

I politely hesitated at first

sensing the danger

thank you

I blurted out

Kissing her on the cheek


nodding apologetically

the trip having caught up with me!

I stumbled over the step, opening the door, looking back and waving

as she stood alone in the street

the car waiting

I made the stairs, two at a time

frantically unlocking the door

slamming it shut

Locking it loudly

then falling onto the lounge

heaving a huge sigh of relief

What in the hell was that all about?

You idiot, an opportunity missed?

Thank god!

staring at the ceiling

my eyelids

timing out

I slid into the peace of the night




A knock?


A familar knock!