Burnam Burnum


Striding across Woden Plaza

Yelling to my partner


A tall handsome

Aboriginal man


wearing a pin stripped suit

with tie

Short hair


With a beaming smile


A hug


A short conversation

He turned and walked into the crowd


Our discussion continued

By way of explanation


He was Harry Penrith

Who worked as a Liaison Officer to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs

Finding it difficult to fit in in the white man’s world

After 13 years in the Department of Agriculture


A fleeting meeting

Then lost in the crowd


Five years later

Living in Melbourne

We were at a festival in South Yarra


Walking through the crowd

Passing a seated aboriginal


In full kangaroo coat

A full white beard with long white hair

With a red head band


With traditional objects for sale

All laid out on a blanket


He raised his hand

stood up

Calling to us

We turned


It was Harry Penrith


An emotional

Spontaneous embrace ensued


my partner

had been his counsellor in Canberra


He could not survive in the white man’s world

So he went back to his ancestral roots


Just surviving



Chatting energetically

As his story unfolded


He took his great grandfathers name

Burnum Burnum


Great warrior


As the crowd

Flowed around us


We hugged

And parted

lost up in the flow


It was January 26 1988

When on the news

Burnum Burnum takes possession of England

As a colonial outpost for the Aboriginal People of Australia

by planting an Aboriginal Flag on the white cliffs of Dover


The Burnum Burnum Declaration declares


I Burnum Burnum being a nobleman of ancient Australia do hereby take possession of England on behalf of the Aboriginal People


A stunning piece of theatre!


Finishing in


…to encourage Earth Repair Action to unite people, communities, religions and nations in a common, productive peaceful purpose.


A book was also published at that time


A Traveller’s guide to Aboriginal Australia


It started out by saying


As white Australians become more Australianised and see Australia as their homeland, there is going to be a need for acute appreciation of the mythologies which they inherit through the landscape


The book chronicled for non- aboriginal people the mythologies connected with the landmarks that are sacred to the Aborigines of Australia


After that

We followed his life as an actor, activist, author


A great Australian


Unaccustomed as I am to quoting John Howard

In this case we agree about Burnum Burnum


He was a very gracious man and strongly committed to the welfare of the Aboriginal Australians