the meeting




Over liquid, mercurial gold

into the western sun

over the Pearl River estuary


The mirror sea

Relaxing into this magical jet foil ride to Macau

With a drink

Collecting myself

after the nerve raking experience at the airport

with Hong Kong customs

then over the turn stiles at the ferry wharf

with a large architectural model

for the Guangzhou meeting

The model, on wheels

Had to be unpacked, unscrewing the side and top panels

Every bloody time

One does not leave home without a Phillip’s head screwdriver

Make a mental note?

I was emotionally and physically drained

The gin and tonic melting me into the seat

As I readied myself

For the custom clearances into Macau

Head rolling out of a snooze

By the silent sinking of the Jetfoil into the outer harbour ferry wharf

Shuffling to the luggage collection

I recognised Wee

Who was there to meet me

I almost felt like kissing the client 

As he took control

With minimum hassle

Bundling the model and me

into two cars, then directly to the hotel

after agreeing to meet in the lobby later

I settled in


taking a walk into the streets of Macau

A European townscape

Beautiful buildings in the settling dusk

Through laneways of restaurants

Cages stacked outside

With live cranes, owls, snakes, turtles

Each advertising the speciality of the restaurant

Most probably endangered species?

Looking dinner in the eye collapsed my appetite

As I slowed to a crawl walking past

Meandering further up to the Monte Fort and the ruins of St.Paul’s

Overlooking the straits and Macau

I was completely captivated


irradiated at the edge of the earth

in the glow of the escaping sun 

A European trading enclave since the 16th century

Hence the European feel

But run

by the dynamism of the Cantonese

Fascinating contrasts

The sheer beauty of Macau and the estuary

Disarming me

Shaken by the reality of the time

I hot footed it back to the Hotel

For the next immersion

It came with a trip to the Portuguese Macanese section for dinner

Macanese was a dialect of Macau, a Portuguese creole

With its own cuisine

The group of us worked our way through the banquet

of Macanese chilli shrimps, African chicken and the traditional Salt Cod


had also invited his first wife along with his colleague’s

To meet the white devil

His wife, was a noble, women of character

a doctor

They went through university together


he had married well

Wee was a very wealthy man

I had also met his second, younger wife in Hong Kong before

A very beautiful, character women

Who was in control


As the Courvoisier flowed

At US$400 a bottle


outlined the lay of the land in Macau

The Portuguese being fundamentally corrupt

The Cantonese

manipulating the development scenarios for their own collective gain

It was just expected


Even down to the fact that any payments to the government officials

At all levels

As it was multi-tiered

Being listed in the tax returns?

In a recent 20 storey development that I had designed

Wee, gained another 5 storeys

outside the planning controls

By paying handsomely down the line

Complaining it was an expensive business

As he ordered yet another bottle of Courvoisier

Not exhibiting any signs of pain

Drinking Courvoisier cognac from beer glasses

Was outside my league


Who was well underway

as I just sipped

declining to scull the cognac


Sprang up from the table

waddled around to me

Flapping his folded arms like wings



Kentucky fried chicken


To everyone’s amusement

Except mine

His wife smiling


I sculled the cognac

There was no sipping here

So eventually back to the hotel

We went up to the night club above the lobby

A huge room with a central dance floor

circled by booth seating

Having received the first drink

A long Peron, more water than alcohol

My formula for surviving the night

I then noticed

Off to the left of the stage

a window

Looking into a tiered room

With young women standing on each tier

Holding numbers

I was advised

That Wee

As part of the evening entertainment

has hired me an escort

For the entire evening?

I was reluctantly marshalled over

Into the room

Embarrassed giggles from the girls



Totally out of my comfort zone


I picked number 22

A petite, beautiful young lady

One of the few who spoke English

I escorted her to the table

Champagne of course

the evening unfolded

evolving into more drinking

then dancing

Until about three in the morning


walking from the night club

I politely explained

compounding my awkwardness

by complimenting her on her English, her beauty

but I had a major trip tomorrow


I would not require any further services for this evening!

Politely bowing

I joined the others who all went down to the pool and spa area

for a massage before going to bed

the group chastised me

having no understanding of why?

Was I gay?

How could I possibly turn down the generosity of my host?

My attempts to navigate the cultural morass was obviously taking a dent

After the massage

we all meet in the lounge off the spa

Each reclining on individual lounges in white hooded dressing robes

Being served freshly squizzed orange juice

A switch seemed to click

I could almost hear it!

As for the first time in the entire evening

The conversation went directly to the business at hand

I had meet some of Wee’s colleague’s before

So was familiar with the peaking order

This was where all the business was done

As the plan of attack was mapped out

Serious stuff!

Having two hours sleep

It was into Wee’s Mercedes in the morning

for the trip into China

To Guangzhou

His car was cleared to enter China

And we drove through the rural country side

Every inch cultivated

No rubbish

The dirt, textured by broom strokes

People stopping

Heads rotating

Following our passage

I felt like the man who fell to earth


obviously still recovering from the excesses of the night



with a slow

melancholy tone

about the difficulty of having two wife’s

In Chinese society

His first wife had to approve of the second wife

A difficult step number one


Each wife had to be treated the equally

One wife has two children


you have to work doggedly for two children with the second wife

this being achieved rapidly with the second wife


on the family holidays

you have to spend the same amount of money

and take each family to similar, prestigious locations

this trickled down to cars, clothes, the children’s schools


all so Wee

would be perceived as an honourable man in the community

it costs me a fortune

he lamented

turning towards Guangzhou

Wee’s tone picked up

As he flowed into the standard background briefing for foreigner’s


The old Canton

had just been turned into China’s first development zone

the communist version of Hong Kong

it was tightly controlled

and we would be meeting the chairman of the development committee for the city


To attract investment

Had built new hotels and convention centres to establish the city in the western world

It had a trade fair recently

To reinforce the cities expanding international profile

Just in case

They rounded up 27,000 criminals in the city just before the Trade Fair

The police all know who they were!

They don’t need evidence

They cleared the streets

Presenting the right face of China to the world

We stayed at the Ritz Carlton

A brand, new hotel, very western

Obviously more prestigious

Than the White Swan Hotel by the river

being the older, established, more Chinese hotel


had a suite in the hotel

With a separate sitting room

where we all congregated

one hour before the meeting

the model in the middle

drawings on the table

us on one side

with chairs arranged on the opposing side

for the committee

a waiter standing faultlessly still by the servery

responding to the thrown requests for tea

no alcohol

so we waited!

being late was customary apparently

a colleague

waited patiently in the lobby for an hour

before greeting the delegation as they arrived

then escorted them to the suite

the suite door opened

six elderly men and one women

all in grey

Mao jackets

Shuffled into the room

One still wearing slippers with socks

The jackets were buttoned up

With the top button being undone

Revealing the standard white under shirt

The chairman


With a grey stubble

The obvious man of authority

We all stood

As we were sequentially introduced

Each bowing in turn

The chairman

Sitting first

In the larger chair directly opposite Wee

Tea with biscuits were served

In silence

The discussions

Kick started immediately

with no further pleasantries

I briefed the meeting on the overall development proposals

Stepping through the design

Slowing the cadence of my speech

To track the interpreter

Questions asked!

The meeting descended into verbal sparring

An oscillating dialogue

As if I was not there

The chairman

Controlling the flow

With deliberately slow pauses, sipping the tea

cupping both hands

eyes lowered

reading himself for the next point in the debate

No one was bothering to translate for me

The deal was being done

The conversation slowed

The chairman stood

Raising the entire room

We watched

as they shuffled out the door

Through a forest of bows


Were immediately served for the debriefing

I was bought up to speed

The deal involved the city giving the land and all service connections for nothing

On the understanding

That the entire property would be constructed and managed at the cost of the developer

The sticking point being

How many years the developer could take all the income, before the entire development became the property of the People of China

Really smart!

The haggling point was between 15 to 25 years, eventually landing on 20 years

I was then advised

Almost as an after thought

that they would be busy this evening with officials

Staying longer

To finalise and formalise the deal


second wife

will have dinner with me this evening

Then take me back to Hong Kong tomorrow on the train for my flight

Early and waiting

She levitated across the lobby

In a skin tight, silk chum sung

The flash of the leg strobing her entrance

Eyes fully dialated

I was not the only one to notice

She was stunning!

She led me into the restaurant

Confidently addressing the maître

Gliding us to a table

The food and drinks ordered

Trivial conversation evolved

Filling the spaces

As a creeping

clammy awareness

walked slowly over me

I was the only Caucasian in the restaurant

And with a beautiful Chinese woman!

The centrifugal nature of the stares

The muffled conversations

Became increasingly obvious

To the point of being unsettling

Her diverted, with flitting eyes

Above the radiant smile

Feeling the ether

Would you rather we dined in your room?

Taken aback

No, no it was fine!

But I did not know who it was fine for?

Me or her

Each way

Her reputation could suffer

The meal in the fish bowl

draggled on


walking out to the lifts

I politely, excused myself

Trying not to seem ungracious

Desperately manoeuvring to avoid yet another dent

in my cultural education that was coming right at me

Escaping to my room

a scotch

fortifying myself

for some unknown reason?

into feeling better

more comfortable 

about being in a train with her tomorrow

for the entire day!

As we both returned to Hong Kong