Road to Kathmandu

Shaken awake

My head hitting the bus window

Slowly navigating the traffic of Ghazipur

late in the night

on the way out of India to Kathmandu

we had encountered a demonstration

the crowd totally engulfing the narrow confines of the street

inching our way forward

against the flow

all wearing yellow




waving lights

noticing the white passengers

the crowd fell into silence


turning as a tide

into a sea of pandemonium

they fell onto the bus

locked arms


rocking it from side to side

with an ever increasing

pendulum swing

trying to overturn the bus

we had no idea what this was about

the wheels were lifting off the ground

then thumping

bouncing down

then again

side to lurching side

the driver

an ex British Marine

planted the accelerator

with his hand

pumping the horn

the bus


crashing through the gears

gaining speed


like a knife edge

the screaming crowd

the rocking

straightening out with speed

with a downpour of thumping fists on the sides of the bus

in unison

a melodic terror

the crashing

cracking sound of rocks

cracking the windscreen

bouncing off the bus

peppering the crowd

we pulled out of this swamp of humanity

speeding through the out skirts

then into the welcome


and quiet

of the Indian country side

swaying up to the driver

patting him on the back

thanks for that Matt

that was good thinking

it saved us


I was scarred shitless!

Thankfully we didn’t kill anyone

When I was going through Turkey once

I hit and killed this guy

A bloody accident

But I was thrown into a Turkish jail

No trail no nothing!

It took the company six months to get me out

Paying the right people

It was an expensive business

I didn’t want to go there again!

What you have to do to survive

In a Turkish jail

As a white man

You just don’t want to know about!

Matt was a survivor



Having done this trip before

The bus was stocked with Johnny Walker whisky and denim jeans

The symbols of the West

Which he sold in Turkey and Afghanistan

At grossly inflated prices

10 times what he paid for them

Offsetting his meagre income

After this shock to our collective systems

Causing us to miss the grotty hotel in Ghazipur

We pulled off the road

By an old burnt out stone house

To get some sleep

We had been driving all day

The collapsed roof of the house

With its charred, blackened beams

Like fiddle sticks

Forming a degree of shelter

Rolling out our sleeping bags

In the lights of the bus

Settling into the cold

Hard ground


was short lived

The scurrying

of not so tiny feet

soon became a river

Running over our sleeping bags


pulling the sleeping bag over my head

as the thought of sharing it with

huge rats

was well outside my comfort zone

Muted screams


Exaggerated gestures

To keep them at bay

As we scurried

bundled our bags into the bus

the bus kicking into life

sending a stampede of rats

exploding away from the bus

the noise rupturing the night


the not so little creature 

the size of cats



into the night

over the stone road

towards the border

nodding heads

catching what sleep we could

finally shaken into the real world

the border

emerging out of the early morning mist


With a contagion of smiles from



Buddhist faces


Radiant smiles

As we crossed into Nepal

A stark contrast to India!

we were now on the final leg

of this bus trip from London to Kathmandu

the group becoming close knit over time

but fractured

into the clustering of like minds

the racist, argumentative pom

his submissive girl friend

on the way to New Zealand

where they also served their beers in pints

the Aussies

looking for an adventure

the long way home

on the hippy trail

we teamed up with Glenn Wheatley

and Gaynor

later to become his wife

Glenn was the bass player with Masters Apprentices

We often shared a tent

Becoming fellow traveller’s

The band had been ripped off by management so many times

Eventually leading to the band’s breakup

Glenn spent time in London studying management

He was committed to bringing a new standard of management to the music industry in Oz

Something that supported the growth of Aussie talent

Glenn went on to establish The Wheatley Organisation

Putting the Little River Band together

The beginning of it all for Glenn

And so

began the ascent

Into the clouds

Towards Kathmandu

On this

single lane


serpentine road

That was often washed away in the monsoon season

Buses and trucks disappearing over the edge

Into the valley below

Or the raging river

Was anything but uncommon

The painted trucks, buses

speeding towards you

In a face off

Controlled sliding


 to a halt

Backing up where you can

to gingerly pass

clipping mirrors

The precarious nature of the trip

Galvanising our attention

On the road ahead

Moving the collective us

To the edges of our collective seats

We were in the hands of Matt

Who radiated a silent

high energy stress

A frightening


White knuckle


locked to the wheel

the concentration

Instilling silence

At each turn in the road

Stone head stones


I love you but not so fast

Lightening the mood

Evolving into sniggers


I am curvaceous be slow

This is a highway not a runaway

The laughter inhaled


at the bus coming straight at us

with the then ritual standoff

tentative give way

slow pass

Be gentle on my curves

The air was thinning

The intensity of colour deepening

Horn is to honk do it on my curves

Matt was obeying this advise

On each bend

Road is hilly don’t be silly

Slowing under a water fall

The water drumming on the bus roof

If married divorce speed

Washing through atomised spray

The caked dust

eroded into rivulets

Love thy neighbour but not while driving

My window seat


Slapping the foliage

On the cliff side

Better to be MR LATE than to be LATE MR

On the outside

A shear drop

Into a rampaging river

After whisky driving risky

Often the road edges

Were eroded

Narrowing the road further

Speed thrills but often kills

The mist was rising

Raising the curtain on the mountain valley before us

Speed is a knife that cuts life

The sun breaking through

Drink and drive is a fatal cocktail

The signs relieving the continual tension

Driving faster can cause a disaster

Heading into Shangri-La

The blending of Hinduism and Buddhism

The mesmerising


sway of the bus

weaving into

a higher world

Life without vision, courage and depth is simply a blind experience

What more can be said