

Where are the guns?


I never could forget

the locking of our eyes

the vice grip on my arm


a strength beyond his years

a returned soldier

who fought the Nazi’s


I was manning the polling booths

After the Whitlam coup


The truth of this statement is only now emerging

In 2018

The conspiracy went all the way up to British Royalty

A betrayal of our democratic sovereignty


When I heard the monumental events unfolding

I left work

Sitting in the carpark

Listening to the radio


I could not believe it

The conservatives were desperate

They broke every rule and convention

In total disbelieve of being thrown out of office after 23 years


I immediately got engaged in forming

A Constitutional Reform Society

I became the secretary and my house became the head quarters


The outrage in the community was palpable

But ebbing up to the election with the media on slort

Particularly Murdock


I suspected that my phone was bugged

As clicking sounds in the back ground of the call raised my suspicions

I became very cautious about what I said on the phone


Most of my friends were journalists

I hang around the bars of the Canberra Press Club and Parliament house

I used to play squash at the Parliament House Courts with Ken Begg

Just walking into Parliament House and up to the Press Gallery

anytime I liked

No security


The debate about the dismissal raged

Particularly when fuelled by the incendiary nature of alcohol

Usually over drinks with various journalists at the Press Club Bar

Including Mungo McCallum


After the expected defeat of the Whitlam team

The dedicated few soldered on


A festival sprang up as a result in 1976

Run by Confest

With the first Back to Earth Festival at the Cotter


So when the next festival came around at Mount Oak in Bredbo in 1977

Tony Walker


who was a journalist friend of mine

working for the Age Newspaper

Tony later went on to be their Middle East correspondent

writing a book that was pivotal at the time



asked me to be his photographer for his interview with Jim Cairns

Who was heading up the festival called

Focus on the Future, Shaping Alternatives


I had worked for Visnews

A London based newsagency

As a photographer on my overland trip on the Hippy Trail to Kathmandu


Jim Cairns was the controversial Treasurer for the Whitlam Government


while it lasted


Who had a very public affair with Junie Morosi his personal assistant


They were together at Bredbo


Jim Cairns wrote the promo for the Festival

Which still resonates today


The purpose of the festival is to show the urgent need to SHAPE ALTERNATIVES NOW. Ways must be found because of the violent, acquisitive, alienated, industrial society which now poses a threat to survival. People have for centuries searched for equality and the right and ability to determine their own development. Individuals must accept responsibility for themselves. Personal happiness and equality, as much as a good society, depend upon self realisation. The most vital factor today is a sense of true identity. This is lost because our identities are created by others - not by ourselves. The all-powerful externally created hegemony in this assumed-to-be-free society, and its internalised personal alienation, must be understood if self realisation can be achieved.

The starting point must be the "will to be the self which one truly is".

There must be equality and effective individual participation in government and in every other group activity if self realisation is to be achieved.

The festival will be concerned with the search for the true nature of man and woman.

For many centuries the belief that man is inherently bad has exercised tremendous influence. Because of this belief, individual needs are suppressed and the result is that personal helplessness, lack of independence and the desire to be led are created. From infancy on people are trained to be self-denying, falsely modest, self-effacing and mechanically obedient. They are taught to suppress or hide their natural feelings and energy.

Social ideology is governed by contradictory altruism, by guilt and by the inability to experience work and action as a pleasure. This results in tendencies towards violence. But it is not the basic natural need of people that has a destructive and hedonistic outcome - it is the result of the repression of basic natural need that is violent and destructive.

The internal social crisis of today that results from these contradictions means that we must SHAPE THE ALTERNATIVES NOW. There is not just one alternative. The new society will be made up of the choices of multitudes of people - individuals and groups - who are determined to find a way out. No one can be excluded.




Tony and I drove down to Bredbo


About an hour’s drive


Then west to Mount Oak


The festival was being held on a private property

By a river in the hills

About 15,000 people attended


It was packed


We tracked down Jim Cairns

Who was staying in a pretty crappy caravan with Junie Morosi


She was a very charismatically intelligent, beautiful women

Who was at his side always


The interview was held in the caravan


Which was not great for photographs

Tony suggested we go for a walk to the top of a hill

which overlooked the festival site

To take some photos


Jim and Junie

hand in hand

climbed the hill all smiles

Jim with his shirt off


It was thankfully a hot, sunny day





ahead of them

up hill

Taking photographs all the way


Taking the photograph that defined the Festival


the view was also worth the climb

People were swimming in the river


Usually naked

After all, there still was a 60’s hangover

With a ferment push for change


The river rambled through a confusion of tents and lean too’s

Amid the She Oaks

Smoking fires

The smoke clinging to the hills


Earth toilets

Holes in the ground

People queuing


People just squatting right next to one another

Both men and women

No privacy

Crapping away while talking to the person next to you

Which in my case was a younger woman


No problems!


Driving back to Parliament House

Tony filed the story

Which lead on the front page of the Age the next day


The main photograph

Of Jim and Junie

Walking up the hill

Their interlocked hands concealed

Is still trotted out today


The photograph is also on the internet photographs for Junie Morosi


As I was not a unionised photographer

I could not claim ownership of the photos

it went under Tony Walker’s by line